50 Copperfield Street, Geebung
Spacious on 807sqm!
The low down
This highset Geebung home offers a lot of options/possibilities as well as being just a welcoming family home as is.
The options include:
– 807sqm of land, plenty of room to put in a pool or swings or just play cricket?
– Can be subdivided subject to approvals
– Great bones as is but you could add your own touches
– Big storage/workshop space near the garage
The great features include 3 built-in bedrooms, a nice white bathroom with shower, bath and separate toilet, spacious open plan living/dining and lovely timber flooring, as well as a front deck.
Practical features include a double lockup garage and security screens.
This location is great with easy access to the train station, shops and parks. Did we mention 807sqm on offer here?!
Watt Favs:
* Highset family home on a large grassy 807sqm block
* Easy access to the train station, shops and parks
* 3 built-in bedrooms
* Attractive bathroom with shower, bath + separate toilet
* Kitchen is usable as is but you could add some extra cupboards/touches
* Spacious open plan living/dining
* Nice timber flooring
* Front deck
* Dbl LU garage + storage space
* Security screens
Further info