14 Springside Close, Bracken Ridge
Spread out...get out and about!
The low down
For families who like to get out and about, this location is sweet! A quick drive to Sandgate beaches, even quicker drive to the races, Deagon wetlands, and just out your back door is a massive school oval.
But for days at home, there’s plenty to enjoy too. The light ‘n large living areas with green views out the window speaks of noisy family time, movie nights and homework projects. Mum can supervise from the large kitchen with gas appliances. Separate lounge room sits waiting for some quiet mum and dad wine time in the evening.
Air con ✔ Security screens ✔ Fully fenced yard for Fido ✔ Double lock up garage ✔
Watt Fast Facts:
* Available Now
* Cul de sac
* Spacious family living
* 4 Built in Bedrooms
* Main with WIR and ensuite
* Air Conditioning
* Security Screens
* Apply for inside/outside pet